‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kailyn Lowry reveals the sex of her twins

teen mon news twin sex

Kailyn Lowry just shared some exciting news with her followers.

After teasing the sex of her twins, the pregnant “Teen Mom 2” star revealed that she is having one girl and one boy.

In an Instagram video posted on Nov. 10, four of Lowry’s five sons — Isaac, 13, Lincoln, 9, Lux, 6, and Creed, 3 — are seen outside on a green field. Lincoln begins by kicking one ball, which explodes and shows blue dust, confirming that they are having one boy.

“Still a boy. We knew this one from our first gender reveal attempt,” the words on the video read.

Lux was then in charge of kicking the other ball to reveal the sex of her other baby.

While on the phone with Elijah, she nervously pulled up the email and said, “Ah, I don’t know if I can do this!”

The two girls lean over to read the screen as Kailyn’s jaw drops and she exclaims, “They’re boys!”

While the MTV star covered her mouth in disbelief, people can be heard voicing their excitement in the background, with one friend chiming in, “I knew it!”

After all, Kailyn is more than experienced in life as a boy mom. While she and Elijah are also parents to son Rio she also shares Isaac, 13, with ex Jo Rivera, and Lincoln, 9, with ex Javi Marroquin as well as Lux, 6, and Creed, 3, with ex Chris Lopez.

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